Saturday, November 28, 2009

You spin me right round baby right round

Well, that was a ridiculous week!
Woke up last Monday morning, rolled over and watched the room spin around me. Sat up and rode a crazy carnival ride to nowhere. Kind of would have been fun if it wasn't so freaky. And nauseating. Mostly nauseating.
Went to my doctor and found I did have a minor ear infection but the dizziness was being caused by vertigo: little crystals repositioning themselves in my ear. Holy crap....five days of a whirling world...staggering down the hallway, clinging to the wall of the shower so I didn't fly away...all the benefits of drinking without the alcohol, when you come to think of it.
I realized in the doctor's office that I had the same thing our Moochie had many years ago. She was staggering around, sick to her stomach and her eyes were doing this jiggling back and forth thing. Mine did that too, a few times, when it seemed that what I was looking at was caught on a video loop.
It seems that it's pretty common and its benign, which is a huge relief. I had a good day today, day 6, and I hope tomorrow is the same so I can get back to work on Monday. I'm lucky to have a job that I really like, and I honestly missed being there. (I hate hate HATE calling in sick because I know what a scramble it can be to fill shifts, especially this time of year.)

I had an idea though. I think we should all have a spot on our forehead that turned colour when we were unwell with something that isn't obvious.
I've had so many things happen to me that weren't that awful pulled hip flexor (worst. pain. EVER.), a broken bone in the foot that was uncastable, this vertigo and other various things. You feel like crap, but you look absolutely fine. So along with feeling like crap you have to deal with feelings of paranoia that nobody is going to believe you feel like crap. A simple little spot would fix all that.
I wonder who you'd have to email to get the ball rolling on this?

Anyway, I'm on the mend and, at the very least, bit by bit, I got the Christmas decorations up this week and it looks very cheery around here. :-)
Sure, I'm a week behind on Christmas shopping and we are hosting a party here next weekend and God knows what tomorrow is going to bring. At least I'm getting my sense of humour back.

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