Friday, November 20, 2009

WHERE'S MY...oh..there it is...

I get really messed up at work if I'm not wearing my watch. Up is down, down is up....I don't know where I'm at.
Yesterday I'm just about to go in to work and I think "Aw crap...I forgot my watch!" as I'm checking my wrist. But. There it is. I have absolutely no recollection of putting it on.
That's a weird feeling, suddenly realizing you did something but can't remember doing it. Is this the sign of early dementia or just normal forgetfullness? A person worries.
There should be a name for that feeling. The German language has lots of cool words for different things. Farfegnugen for when you're enjoying a nice drive, gemutlichkeit for when you're enjoying a good time and schadenfreude for when you're enjoying someone else's misfortunes. Oh come on now, we've all enjoyed YouTubes full of people's bad judgment and we've all had our chuckles...admit it.
Maybe I'll email the Germans and see if they know of such a word. It would come in handy...
"Whoa...dude....major watchenfinden today!" (with my apologies to everyone of German descent)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. After work I am suppose to pick up a few things from Wal Mart. I can remember 2 of them but for the life of me I can't recall the third! I just wrote the list down and now I can't find it. I am not ready for this, I am still too young...right?
