Sunday, December 27, 2009

Every time a bell rings....

Even though it was just the two of us for Christmas dinner, I insisted that we have a turkey this year. Is there any substitute for the smell of roasting turkey on Christmas Day? I think not.
I found an 11 pound bird, facebooked and googled to find the best way to cook it (10 years ago that sentence would have made no sense at all) and it turned out nearly perfect. My turkeys have never turned out golden, but they are usually mighty tasty.

I popped it in the oven at 2 and then felt like having a nap so asked Spouseman to wake me at 5 and I would check the progress. Have I mentioned that he's awesome? When I woke up the gravy was ready to go (we use packet gravy, don't judge us), the potatoes were ready to boil, the brussel sprouts & carrots were sitting in the electric steamer (awesome appliance, everyone should have one) and all that was left to do was to throw the boxed stuffing (don't judge us) in the pot.
So, I check the turkey, it's done, I take it out to rest and it's go time. We turn on the burners for the gravy, spuds and stuffing and plug in the steamer.
The steamer does nothing. Uh oh. We try a different plug and still nothing. The timer is set but the little light doesn't come on. It's never good when a little light doesn't come on, is it?

So, we are mildly peeved but we realize right away that it's minor. The veggies are tossed in a pot and cooked on the stove, no big deal. That steamer has served us well for the last few years and it's paid for itself many times over. Have I mentioned everyone should have one? Get the one with the double steam baskets and the little door that lets you add more water while it's working.

Crisis diverted, every burner is cranking out something on the stove, and we realized then that the reason the steamer didn't work was because it can't work without any water in it! Oops....hahahaha! No worries, it gets put back in the cupboard for next time.

In a bit, everything is heated up, drained, fluffed or mashed as the case may be and we proclaim that dinner is ready. Just as we start to dish up we hear a happy little muffled "DING!" of a timer going off.
Our little still managed to be part of Christmas dinner in it's own way.

In retrospect this is probably one of those 'You had to be there." stories...ah well...what's done is done.

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