Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oh Canada!!

Watched the Olympic Gold medal hockey game with some awesome friends and just in case you live under a rock and didn't know it yet, CANADA WON!!!!
After our friends left we could hear horns honking from downtown so we doubled up on the big scooter and went to join in.
My two little dollar store Canadian flags were waved to within an inch of their little lives, we did a whackload of high-fives, there was much hooting and much hollering!! What an awesome experience to see all sorts of people, of all ages (there was a Grandma enjoying an ice cream cone, brandishing a hockey stick) letting loose and celebrating...the energy, the was amazing. To think that this is going on in every Canadian city is just astounding, and very heartwarming.
Yay Canada!!!
Let's do this again in another 4 years, ok?

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